We raise Tamuk Composites and New Zealand meat rabbits.
I raise Americans, Giant Chinchillas, and Rex rabbits for show and meat. I travel all over the eastern US for shows. When I have meat stock available, they are show program culls. This means they are very often still solid rabbits for meat production, but they will not be competitive on a show table for one reason or another. I still process over 60% of my kits. Meat stock will not be pedigreed as they are typically sold for around $50.
Pet bunnies and mixed breed rabbits
Our rabbitry is dedicated to raising quality Holland Lops and Silver Fox rabbits. We are a small family run homestead that produces silver foxes for quality pelts and meat production. While Holland Lops are for emotional support animals and family pets. We try to contribute to the betterment of these beautiful breeds and spread the love of rabbit ownership.
We raise Champagne d'Argent and Creme d'Argent rabbits.
We mainly raise Holland Lops but just got a couple of Champagne d’Argent rabbits.
I raise New Zealands in a variety of colors and pedigreed Satin rabbits. They have great bodies for meat. I almost always have a litter of rabbits available. I give discounts for multiples. I also have rabbit meat available. I also have a Facebook page
The best way to contact me is by email or text.
Small farm with Standard Rex and New Zealand Red breeding stock available. All solid colors, no brokens. Various color Rex available. Please message for any questions/inquiries.
Quality Argente Brun, Argente St Hubert, Champagne d'Argent, Cinnamon and Creme d'Argent rabbits for meat and show. Focusing on market weights and carcass development.
As rabbit is our primary protein, stock is rarely available.
We are a small rabbitry specializing in Rex rabbits bred for meat and quality pelt production.