We raise Rex rabbits mainly for meat, but we focus on genetics and do our best to produce healthy rabbits and specific colors that are true to the breed. We also teach genetics and animal husbandry with our rabbits at a local school, so they are used to being held!
We raise American rabbits, which are a heritage breed and occasionally have purebred Rex available also. Americans are well known for having friendly dispositions, large litters of kits, and excellent mothering skills. We often have Rex/American mixes available for meat production. We raise our pedigreed stock for show. Contact us for more information!
We strive for healthy New Zealand White rabbits, they are a friendly breed, nice litters and beautiful fur. Located in Newport, PA, just 10 minutes off 22.
We raise Californian rabbits for Breeding Stock and Meat. We now also have NZW TAMUKS. (Which is an acronym for Texas A & M University Kingsville). As far as we know, we are the first rabbitry in Pennsylvania to have NZW TAMUKS. Our TAMUK rabbits breed true white. They are not Composite rabbits which were also developed by Dr. Lukefahr. They do very well in our northern climate and we are pleased with their performance. We focus on litter size, good mothering instincts and fast growth in both our Californians and TAMUK rabbits. Breeding stock is available.
We're a small family-run rabbitry located in Berks County. We focus on the Silver Fox breed and raise them for show, garden, homestead and table.
Family farm that raises meat rabbits, including New Zealand’s, Californians and mix breeds. We have both pedigree and non-pedigree. Rabbits are shown at local and state level.
We are a small family operated homestead. We raise and breed pedigreed Silver Fox rabbits. These rabbits are bred for show, pets, or meat.
Youth owned and operated rabbitry raising show-quality Satins in black, blue, broken, chinchilla, himalayan, siamese, and white, and New Zealand whites to the ARBA standard.
We're a small rabbitry in northeastern Pennsylvania. We breed and raise Creme d'Argent and Holland Lop rabbits. We have pedigreed rabbits.