We raise Champagne d'Argent rabbits for meat for us and for raw dog food since 2020 and are loving them!Kits can leave at 8 weeks, possibility of partial pedigree available.
We raise a small number of rabbits. My students participate in the care of the animals.
We're a local breeder that primarily focuses on meat. We do sell pets, but our focus is meat. We breed year-round so we continually have rabbits available, first come first served.
We raise purebreds and crosses. We primarily have New Zealand, Tamuks and Californian.
If you haven't heard of Tamuks - you may want to check into them. They are a New Zealand based rabbit selective bred for heat tolerance, early breeding, larger litters, and mothering. With our hot summer weather, you may want to check into them.
Hi, I'm working to raise show-quality Standard Rex and Mini Rex rabbits. I also dabble in meat mutts and pet mix babies.
We raise Silver Fox, New Zealand, Beveren, and meat mutt rabbits (Beveren/NZ, Silver Fox/NZ mixes)
We've been raising Champagnes since 2015. We also raise Lilacs. Our show rabbits have been doing well and are competitive with top breeders in our area.
We breed Silver Fox rabbits with and without pedigrees - perfect for show and/or meat production for your homesteads.
Our does produce 8-11 kits per kindle and our dressed weight at 12-13 weeks is 3-4lbs.
We are located on the beautiful Olympic Peninsula in Sequim, Washington. We raise Pedigreed Show & Meat Rabbits -White New Zealand
We have been breeding rabbits since 2019. We currently breed pedigreed Silver Fox rabbits for meat and pelts for our family and pets, nothing goes to waste. We focus on breeding for good bone-to-meat ratio and gentle temperament. When adding new breeding stock, we look for hefty weights and plenty of LEGS, so we can pass those genetics to our future stock and to you, our valued customers. Contact us today to inquire about current availability and pricing.
We breed Silver Fox Rabbits for commercial growth rates, fur quality and color. Our rabbits are shown through ARBA and 4H. We breed Black, Chocolate, Blue, and Lilac. We are also working on tort and broken silver foxes. We are located in Washington but have an extensive transport network throughout the northern US.
Member of the Yakima Rabbit Breeders Club, Washington Rabbit Breeders Association and American Rabbit Breeders Association.