My rabbitry is focused on the Champagne d' Argent breed. The breed originated in France and is known for its friendly disposition, beauty, and mothering skills. At this time my rabbitry is focused on 4H, meat, and fancy. I love working with other rabbit hobbyists and providing them with rabbits to further their own rabbitries. My rabbits and their kits carry 3rd generation pedigrees and are bred to the ARBA Standard of Perfection.
Purebred New Zealand's and New Zealand x Californian cross rabbits. Unrelated breeding pairs and proven does and bucks. Pet and meat.
Meat Rabbits and Mini Rex rabbits
Specializing in purebred commercial line REW Tamuk meat rabbits. We have been raising rabbits for 29 years. Our adult breeders are large - averaging twelve pounds. Bred for production, large litters, and fast-growing kits - fryer weights hitting 4.5 to 5 lbs. at 8 weeks. We maintain a diverse line of quality breeding stock for you to choose from. Contact us for availability.
January 2013 was the stepping stone into this world; now we provide many different products and by-products of rabbits. Whether you are looking for breeders, meat, pelts, pet food, bone oddities, or fertilizer: we can help!
From Compact to Commercial:
Rex, Mini Rex, TAMUK Composite, Reza, & project breeds.
I have been raising rabbits since 1966. We have New Zealand's, Californians, Bruns, Checkered Giants, Flemish Giants, Havana’s, and several miniature breeds. We show and are ARBA Judges. We have a small homestead and raise all our food here. I am a Master Gardener, rabbit composting is much needed here.
We sell Californians and New Zealand rabbits
We raise New Zealand rabbits in black, blue, and broken for meat.
We're a multi-species farm that raises beef cattle, berkshire hogs, meat chickens, meat rabbits, and have around 200 free range laying hens. We raise New Zealand, Flemish Giant Cross, and TAMUK Composite rabbits for both pets and meat. We're a smaller operation that takes great pride in the care of our breeders and their kits. Everyone is welcome to come visit our farm. Just give us a call at 1-417-770-0903 to set up a date and time.
We have been raising Californian rabbits since 2017 for both show and meat production.